So this is it...
Wow. That setup was fast and extremely simple.
Hmmm... I haven't even had time to think of what to write.
So this is my first blog post, written on a rainy day less than a week before I move away to Spain. It's been a stressful day/time period. Hence the name of the blog. A brief explanation: my boyfriend has a tattoo that reads "internal conflict." He hates tattoos on girls, so as a joke I was thinking of having the guy who did his tattoo Sharpie "external harmony" on my chest, as an opposite, yet corresponding, tattoo (or maybe on my back would have made it even more opposite). Anyway, when thinking that up, I thought how "external harmony" implies that there's only harmony on the outside and something much worse on the inside. But maybe the opposite of harmony isn't bad after all. Because it could be chaos, or something like that (which isn't always bad, I suppose). I dunno. Anyway, I'm not that crazy inside in general so it may be a little false, but I like how it sounds.
Oh, I should mention that people frequently tell me that I'm one of the most laid-back people they know, yet I feel like that's impossible given how totally anal I am and not-laid-back I sometimes feel. So that's also the external harmony. So there it is--ta da!--my first blog post.