Tomorrow my brother is getting married and I have to say, I'm pretty... well, I was going to say "nonplussed," but I just looked it up and that's not what I mean. Um, what I'm trying to say is that I don't really have any strong feelings about his marriage and I'm wondering why that is. I am, of course, happy for him and her and happy that they make each other happy, but the whole marriage is not stirring up a whole lot of emotion for me. Here are some guesses as to why:
1. I'm emotionally dead inside. That one's just to be funny. Life has been rough lately, but I'm optimistic that it has not killed my outlook or potential for better things.
2. It's a small affair (him, her, me, her best friend--that's it. I will be serving as the witness/photographer).
3. They've been dating and living together for something like 8 or 9 years, so I kind of have "it's about time" feelings.
4. Maybe I don't really care about marriage. I really don't know what I think about marriage. I, myself, would like to be with someone, but I don't know that I've ever had strong feelings about making it official by putting it on paper. It seems like it's more official if you seal it with a baby or something. Also, I'm not a big fan of weddings. My ex seems to love weddings and I would think to myself, "If we ever get married, I'm just going to have to grin and bear it because he's definitely going to want something big." Looks like I won't be dealing with that though. Bullet dodged?
That's all I've come up with so far.
I love my brother dearly, even though he can be a real asshole sometimes. I know he's always got my back and we've always gotten along very well. He's prone to telling me what an awesome sister I am when he's drunk, which I find somewhat endearing. But anyway, it's been interesting to me in the past few weeks how ironic it is that my brother is currently experiencing one of his happiest moments while I am pretty much unhappy about every aspect of my life. That's a bit of an exaggeration. I like my hair, for example. But I'm not happy with 1) my job, 2) my lack of friends in this city, and 3) my lack of boyfriend. Those are pretty damn important things, so they are taking precedent over my good hair. The other day I stopped by my brother's and was walking home when he called me to tell me something he had forgotten to tell me while I was at his house. It went something like this:
"So I got home from my soccer game this morning and I was sitting on the floor with the dog because I didn't want to get the couch dirty and I started thinking about how great my life is. I've got an awesome girlfriend that I'm going to marry soon, I love my dog, we have a great apartment, I love my job. And then I looked down in the carpet and found a little nug of weed!"
My response: "So you found your own weed? Congratulations." It was kind of a bitter response, but I was laughing while I said it. And I appreciated how happy he is because you want your loved ones to be happy. But I couldn't help but thinking, "That's awesome. My life, on the other hand, sucks." I kept it to myself because there's no use bringing other people down.
And then the other day, I was telling him how I was having trouble sleeping. I wake up at 4 in the morning and my mind immediately starts racing. Once the brain starts moving, going back to sleep is impossible. He couldn't understand how I could be having trouble sleeping. I kind of wanted to yell, "Maybe it's because I hate my life right now!" I can't really kill his good mood though. It's good for me to be around and my hating my life only hits me hard every now and then. Most of the time it's an annoying thing that I just deal with, knowing that it will eventually get better. I have faith in that. I've moved enough to know that all of that takes time.
So I will just sit here quietly, basking in my brother's happiness, and doing what I can to make that moment when I start meeting people happen sooner.