Saturday, February 17, 2007

I Have a Lot of Catching Up to Do

Okay, so I've been home for a little over two weeks now and I've only written one blog post. I've felt very disorganized lately–being homeless will do that to you.

The three main themes of what I've been doing are: 1) social 2) car and 3) job.

Social: Catching up with old friends and my once again BF. It's been quite nice. I have such good people in my circle!

Car: One morning I was walking my favorite dog and I noticed all these birds in the trees. At first I noticed them because they were kind of weird looking. Unlike a regular ol' swallow, these birds had fancy haircuts. Then I noticed that there were HUNDREDS of them. This I noticed when the dog's presence scared them and the flew out of the tiny tree they were sitting in. Fast forward about 20 minutes, when I am leaving, weighted down by my backpack, purse, and a basketful of freshly laundered clothing. I am walking towards my car when I notice what looks like a bunch of blueberries all over the ground by my car. Then I notice all those birds in the tree above and realize that the "blueberries" are actually dark birdshit (I guess they were eating some kind of berries or something). I'm trying to get my keys out of my pocket while juggling all my stuff when I realize that the birds above me are actively shitting all around me! I could hear the little drops of crap falling dangerously near. I panicked as I realized I was in the middle of a poop gauntlet carrying newly cleaned clothes. Of course the panicking made it worse. I finally put the basket down and made a human shield over it as I tried to get my keys. I managed to get the basket safely in the car and was shutting the rear door when the inevitable happened–I was hit. On the arm. It was a good thing that the bird feces happened to be dark blue because my coat is black and you can hardly tell.

At some point during this episode I noticed that the birds had been at it for a while and my car was COVERED in bird shit. I had to go directly to a gas station because I could barely see out of my windshield. I got a lot of looks at the gas station. Why not? I was driving around in a poopmobile. It was totally embarrassing, but I drove around like that for a day because the line at the car wash was too long. When I finally did go to the car wash, the attendant took one look and said, "Birds really don't like you." They had to give it a chemical bath prior to the wash, but it came out good as new (or used). I took a picture before I went through the car wash. It doesn't totally do it justice because the windows had already been cleaned and because it's only part of the car (I felt weird taking a picture of my crap-infested car at the car wash).

Oh, also on Monday I got rear-ended. I'm fine, she's fine, and she's paying for it, so it's all good. I will have to empty everything out of my car when it gets fixed, but things could have been a lot worse considering she was in an SUV (of course!).

And finally: In my first 14 days back here in Atlanta, I saw an astonishing FOUR people purposely run red lights. As in they were stopped and then started again before it turned green. I'd NEVER seen this before, so four times in the past two weeks is kind of freaking me out.

Job: I still don't have one but I'm starting that whole process. It's exciting and daunting and it's what I spend a fair amount of time on, so I don't really feel like talking about it here. But, if you know of any project manager or producer jobs in Atlanta, feel free to let me know. Or if you know me and can think of something else I might enjoy doing... thanks.

Here's a shot I took from the plane as I was leaving Spain.

Thanks for being so patient! I'm going to make a concerted effort to write on here on a more regular basis.
p.s. rereading this, I wonder if something's wrong with me that I put a picture of a bunch of Macs under the "social" category.

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