Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Barcelona Story

Like I said, we mainly did a lot of drinking and walking. Our first night, I believe we went to five different places, the next night, only two (we found a good one) and the following night, well, two again. This is the night that makes for a particularly good stories (there are other little mini stories, like the drunk old man vomiting on the bar). So this night, the last night, Ryan and I went along with our hostel owner and fellow hostel guests to a bar where they do jam sessions. It is the hostel owner (Al)'s favorite bar and he wanted Ryan to play bass (it's like an open mic jam session). This is the first night Ryan and I hung out with any hostel people. The hostel people were all really nice, but we were sort of on our own wavelength. We shared a room with another American, a guy I'll call Bob. Bob was a nice kid, but didn't seem to go out much. He spent a lot of time on his laptop (though to be fair, his job is on his laptop, so he may have been working). He was out with us that night though, and by the time we got to the second bar, Ryan said to me, "I think Bob's kind of toasted." A bit toasty myself, I didn't really take notice and proceeded to spend the night dancing (badly, I'm sure) to really horrible music (unavoidable in Spain). When we finally went to leave, we noticed that Bob had already left, so the rest of us made our way to our abode in Plaza Catalunya.

Not quite ready to go to bed yet, Ryan, Al, and I hung out in the lobby for a while. At some point I went into my/our room to do something and I saw Bob passed out on his bed. It was a funny picture because he was shirtless (as usual), but had his laptop resting on his chest. He had clearly passed out while on the computer. Since I thought it was a funny picture, I went out to get Ryan and show him. He said that he'd already seen him and he was going to tell me about Bob passed out with his computer on his chest and his hands in his pants, but he forgot. I told him he didn't have his hands in his pants now and asked, "Was he watching porn or something?" Ryan said no, he was watching a TV show and I dismissed it. A little later, we went to go to bed and I asked Ryan to take Bob's laptop off his chest so it wouldn't get damaged if he moved in his sleep. Ryan did and that's when he discovered the porn. I believe it was called Naughty America. And so there it was: Bob had left the club to go fondle himself to porn in a shared hostel room and he passed out in the act.

Barely able to control our maniacal giggling, Ryan and I ran out of the room and went and told Al. Al, thinking this was hilarious, immediately grabbed his camera and went back in the room to take video, which basically consisted of Ryan taking the computer off of Bob's chest, showing us the porn, and various pans back and forth from still-sleeping Bob and the porno. What was particularly interesting about the whole thing was the nature of the porn. It was so straight-laced and normal. Heterosexual, one-on-one, fairly normal looking people. It pretty much exemplified Bob himself. I thought it was weird because you'd think that someone so normal seeming must have at least some weird fetish or something, but no, Bob just wanted to come home and watch some blonde, non-implanted girl take her bikini top off. Maybe he had a porn in a semi-public place fetish? I didn't stick around to find out... I made sure to not be around when he woke up. One will never know how much he figured out about the night.

p.s. the picture is of this little Nativity scene that some family that lives by Park Guell had. I will never cease to be amazed by some people's Xmas decorating...

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