Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Third Time is Not a Charm

I just found I got rejected for a grant for the third time. I've been rejected for other grants too, so if you count them all up, it's actually six rejections (I think). No, wait, it's actually eight! But the third from the same agency is the one that hurts. Because it's from the one that I think I had the best chance with. Because I'm already here in the field. And because it means that I'm now going to be returning to Atlanta with no funding. (Which means that I will have to get a job, which means that it's going to take even longer for me to finish this &@!($&@ PhD.)

And besides all that, it makes me feel like my research is worthless, at least in the eyes of one of the biggest funding agencies. And making me feel like my research is worthless doesn't really help my morale when, more and more, I'm feeling like I really don't want to be here. Argh!

Serenity now!

I'm sure things will get better. And hopefully, if my evil plan works, I will write an awesome dissertation that will be easily (i.e. effortlessly) translated into a book that will make me extremely wealthy and will afford me the opportunity to give the finger to the granting agencies that all rejected me. That's probably (definitely) pushing it, but if what they say is true about things that don't kill you making you stronger, well, I'm going to get out of here with some superpowers or something.

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