Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I Heart Scanner

I am a regular reader of, particularly the Scanner section. I feel like I'm friends with the writers at Scanner, particularly Sarah because she's responded to every email I've ever sent (which is only two or three, don't think I'm some crazy fan!) and because she's from Michigan, which makes me feel like I know her. I particularly love her for a line in today's Scanner:

"American beer is shite. Sorry, hipsters, your Pabst Blue Ribbon is little but a punishment for that stupid haircut."

I don't really agree with the American beer is shite comment–a cold Budweiser can be very delicious at times–but I am SO with her on the stupid haircuts. And she's even more obsessed with the dramatic chipmunk than I am.

That's all for today (baby steps). Happy Fourth of July!

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