Happy New Year Text Message
I got a really nice text message at about 2 a.m. on New Year's Eve/Day. I have no idea who it's from (yes, I could text the person back at the number given on the phone, but I kind of like not knowing).
Here is it in Spanish:
Que la lluvia de la felicidad te encuentre con el paraguas roto, te moje hasta los huesos y salpique a toda la gente a la que quieres. FELIZ AÑO! T deseo lo mejor!
Here's to the rain of happiness finding you with a your umbrella broken, soaking you to the bones, and splashing on all the people you love. HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wish you the best!
I thought it was sweet and poetic (for a text message, anyway). I hope it's not from a random student that has a crush on me.
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