This is why snail mail will never be completely taken over by email
I just saw this on BoingBoing (yes, this is a screen shot straight from their page). It's pretty amazing. I wonder if this kind of thing is a welcome change in the postal worker's daily routine? I know if I was doing the same thing every day and then suddently someone threw what is essentially a treasure map into the mix, I'd be into it. It's a pretty damn good map though (at least to someone who's totally unfamiliar with the UK)–I'm not sure everyone has those cartography skills. Here's the link to the article.
I was rereading some old posts and noticed that I had promised to relay some stories about family trauma over the holidays. Yes, there was the usual family fracas, making its spectacular appearance on New Year's Eve, but no, I'm not going to tell about it. It's kind of disrespectful I think. Suffice it to say, there was nothing unusual about this fight or about the fact that it occurred, since we are four independent people generally unused to seeing (and cohabitating with) each other. If I've ever told you about any other family fights, this one was the same, just in Barcelona. "Resolved" half an hour after it started. Other than that, the vacation was great and filled with lots of delicious food!
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