Friday, January 26, 2007

Identity Theft?

I am in the process of getting my USA life back to order. That involves setting up my cell phone so that I will be able to call everyone the second I get into the country. Having ordered the new plan, I called today to see if I could get my old phone number back. It's not a particularly neat number, and it doesn't spell out anything cool, but I think people still have it programmed into their phones, so it's just easier. But maybe not.

I was on the phone with someone who was a legitimate operator and she put me on hold to check on something. All of the sudden I hear someone say, "Hello?" and I tell her I was just on hold waiting for the other operator. This new woman, by the way, sounded kind of drunk (or if you've seen those clips of Paula Abdul's intoxicated interview, like that). She told me that she didn't know why I was calling, that the call just got put through to her, so I needed to explain the whole story to her again. I did, the whole time thinking about how weird and unprofessional she sounded. Then she asked for my social security number. I gave it to her, even though I felt a little uneasy. She then wanted my name. I gave her the first name and she said ok and then asked for the last name. At this point the whole thing just seemed weird, so I told that I felt uncomfortable giving her that information because of the way the call had been put through to her and the fact that she herself sounded so weird. She said she was just asking that information for verification purposes and I told her I would just hang up and call back. She tried to keep me on the phone, saying that she could explain the whole process to me, but I said, "No thanks," and hung up.

Now I am all paranoid that there's going to be another me out there, but this new me will be one with really bad credit and that she'll mess up my perfect credit. argh! The one thing I keep telling myself to make myself feel better is that she did ask me how I was doing today in exactly the same way that the legitimate operator did. Let's just hope that she was drunk at work.

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